Request for a modding guide, PLUS: Candyland Armaments Inc
Nov 16, 2016 19:49:09 GMT
tessfield likes this
Post by Pttg on Nov 16, 2016 19:49:09 GMT
Can anyone point me to an existing modding guide (google search was unhelpful...), or perhaps let me know some basic information such as how the game parses files?
What determines if a material is available as, for instance, a coolant, or a reactor fuel?
EDIT: Is there an error log somewhere?
Further Updates:
So far, I've determined that it's material qualities that determine if a material appears in a given list. For instance, only materials with a non-zero resistance value appear as a potential coil material. (Must be a divide by zero when using superconducting solenoids...)
Not sure what's needed for coolants. I tried adding viscosity to aluminum but that doesn't seem to be sufficient to add it to the coolant list. As a side-note, making a vaporized-gold NTR would be interesting. I'll be sure to add gold as a coolant. Ooooh! Maybe blood! That's both nanostructured and organic in origin!
I think it may be easier to outright add materials than it is to add qualities to existing materials. hmmm.
Ok, I can definitely make a set of new materials. Not sure I can do so elegantly; that is to say, I might need to make Molten Aluminum a separate material from Aluminum. For my notes, I intend to add:
Polystyrene, ice, silicate rock, wood, long woven carbon nanotube material, a recently-developed new thermocouple material (need to find the article on that again), bone, and concrete. I will also add as coolants: alchohol, liquid metals, coffee, blood, metastable metallic hydrogen in suspension.
I'm also looking into extremely high-temperature nuclear fuels, but I'm not seeing anything better than what we already have. Uranium carbide only goes up to ~2,600K...
Most recent alpha releases:
Organic Compounds.txt
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What determines if a material is available as, for instance, a coolant, or a reactor fuel?
EDIT: Is there an error log somewhere?
Further Updates:
So far, I've determined that it's material qualities that determine if a material appears in a given list. For instance, only materials with a non-zero resistance value appear as a potential coil material. (Must be a divide by zero when using superconducting solenoids...)
Not sure what's needed for coolants. I tried adding viscosity to aluminum but that doesn't seem to be sufficient to add it to the coolant list. As a side-note, making a vaporized-gold NTR would be interesting. I'll be sure to add gold as a coolant. Ooooh! Maybe blood! That's both nanostructured and organic in origin!
I think it may be easier to outright add materials than it is to add qualities to existing materials. hmmm.
Ok, I can definitely make a set of new materials. Not sure I can do so elegantly; that is to say, I might need to make Molten Aluminum a separate material from Aluminum. For my notes, I intend to add:
Polystyrene, ice, silicate rock, wood, long woven carbon nanotube material, a recently-developed new thermocouple material (need to find the article on that again), bone, and concrete. I will also add as coolants: alchohol, liquid metals, coffee, blood, metastable metallic hydrogen in suspension.
I'm also looking into extremely high-temperature nuclear fuels, but I'm not seeing anything better than what we already have. Uranium carbide only goes up to ~2,600K...
Most recent alpha releases:
Material Molten Aluminum
Elements Al
ElementCount 1
Density_kg__m3 2700
YieldStrength_MPa 20
UltimateTensileStrength_MPa 300
YoungsModulus_GPa 69
ShearModulus_GPa 25.5
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 900
MeltingPoint_K 933.47
BoilingPoint_K 2743
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K 237
ThermalExpansion__K 23.1e-6
Resistivity_Ohm_m 2.81e-8
RelativePermeability 1.000022
ThermoelectricSensitivity_V__K -1.5e-6
LasingDamageThreshold_TW__m2 .00127
RefractiveIndex Aluminum
RoughnessCoefficient 0.3
Viscosity_Pa_s 0.0000029
Material Molten Gold
Elements Au
ElementCount 1
Density_kg__m3 19300
YieldStrength_MPa 209
UltimateTensileStrength_MPa 120
YoungsModulus_GPa 79
ShearModulus_GPa 27
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 128
MeltingPoint_K 1337.33
BoilingPoint_K 3243
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K 320
ThermalExpansion__K 14.2e-6
Resistivity_Ohm_m 22.41e-9
RelativePermeability .99999981
ThermoelectricSensitivity_V__K 1.5e-6
LasingDamageThreshold_TW__m2 .00204
RefractiveIndex Gold
RoughnessCoefficient .3
Viscosity_Pa_s 0.00000513
Material Molten Lead
Elements Pb
ElementCount 1
Density_kg__m3 11340
YieldStrength_MPa 5.52
UltimateTensileStrength_MPa 14
YoungsModulus_GPa 14.7
ShearModulus_GPa 13.1
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 128.7
MeltingPoint_K 600.5
BoilingPoint_K 2042
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K 35
ThermalExpansion__K 28.9e-6
Resistivity_Ohm_m 2.2e-7
RelativePermeability .999982
ThermoelectricSensitivity_V__K -1.0e-6
RefractiveIndex Lead
RoughnessCoefficient 0.4
Viscosity_Pa_s 0.0000015
Material Molten Tin
Elements Sn
ElementCount 1
Density_kg__m3 7365
YieldStrength_MPa 90.3
UltimateTensileStrength_MPa 220
YoungsModulus_GPa 44.3
ShearModulus_GPa 18
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 228.39
MeltingPoint_K 505.08
BoilingPoint_K 2875
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K 66.8
ThermalExpansion__K 22.0e-6
Resistivity_Ohm_m 115e-9
RelativePermittivity 24
RefractiveIndex Tin
RoughnessCoefficient 0.2
Viscosity_Pa_s 0.000001
Organic Compounds.txt
Material Chocolate
Elements C H N O
ElementCount 7 8 4 2
IsABiomaterial true
IsNanostructured true
Density_kg__m3 1325
EnthalpyOfFormation_kJ__mol 1278.8
BondDissociationEnergy_kJ__mol 2854.63
GibbsFreeEnergyOfFormation_kJ__mol -14.4
BulkModulus_GPa .087
MeltingPoint_K 244.15
BoilingPoint_K 376
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K .609
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 4183.95
Viscosity_Pa_s .000260
Products Monatomic Carbon Monatomic Hydrogen Monatomic Oxygen Monatomic Nitrogen
ProductCounts 1 3 2 1
Material Blood
Elements H O C N Ca P
ElementCount 62 24 12 1.1 .2 .2
IsABiomaterial true
IsNanostructured true
Density_kg__m3 1060
MeltingPoint_K 270
BoilingPoint_K 373
ThermalConductivity_W__m_K .7351
SpecificHeat_J__kg_K 4938
Resistivity_Ohm_m 10000
Viscosity_Pa_s .000260
RefractiveIndex Water
Products Monatomic Carbon Monatomic Hydrogen Monatomic Oxygen Monatomic Nitrogen
ProductCounts 12 62 24 1
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